Today I shall tell you about a special Romanian band, a band that I listen to even since I was a teenager. You probably never heard of it before but it is very dear to me so I need to share at least a song from them with you :) Taxi is a Romanian pop-rock band. Their sound is an eclectic mix of rock and contemporary pop, occasionally introducing other influences such as hot Nashville-style guitar licks.
The band was founded March 13 (guess why I wanted to present them to you this month?! :p), 1999 in Bucharest. Dan Teodorescu, songwriter, lead vocalist and the bands leader, first recruited Adrian Bortun, with whom he had previously played in Altceva ("Something Else"). Bortun recruited his former bandmate Andrei Bărbulescu from Sarmalele Reci ("The Cold Sarmale"; sarmale are meat rolls with cabbage - traditional romanian dish served usually with mamaliga); Dan recruited Georgică Pătrănoiu with whom he had also played before.
Their first Romanian hit was "Criogenia salvează România" ("Cryogenics saves Romania"), which gained them fans even among the members of the Romanian Parliament with its ironic political lyrics.
- Hai să ne băgam cu toţii-n nişte frigidere mari
- Să ne congelăm pentru vreo sută de ani
- Şi să-i aşteptăm liniştiţi pe-americani
- Poa să vină japonezii, poa să vină şi nemţii
- Să ne facă reformă că noi nu avem pretenţii
- Doar atât le vom cere: să nu ne uite-n frigidere
- - Dan Teodorescu - "Criogenia salvează România"
- Lets put ourselves all in some huge refrigerators
- To freeze for about 100 years
- And let the Americans come and solve our problems.
- Even the Japanese and the Germans may come
- To reform our economy;
- We will not complain, but we have a small thing to ask:
- "Please, do not forget us in the fridge!..."
Taxi welcomed the 2000 millennium with a song "Doi zero zero zero" ("Two zero zero zero"). Jumătate de album was expanded in July 2000 to a full album Trag un claxon (Honk a Horn). A succession of Romanian hist included "Comunitaru" ("Stray Dog"), which addresses Bucharests plan of spaying and euthanizing ownerless dogs from the point of view of one of the dogs. The song describes, ironically, the state of the Romanian economy and society, then goes on to a chorus:
- Castraţi-mă, castraţi-mă,
- Sau, dacă vreţi, eutanasiaţi-mă,
- Pentru că singura voastră problemă
- Sunt eu, câinele comunitar.
- - Dan Teodorescu, "Comunitaru"
- (Castrate me, castrate me,
- Or, if you like, euthanize me,
- Because your only problem
- Is me, the stray dog.)
- Business, meeting, briefing, trading,
- Casting, shopping, fashion, trend,
- Dealer, broker, leader, joker,
- Manager, advertising, P.R., brand,
- Lobby, hobby, weekend, party,
- Timeout, fifty-fifty, supermarket, copyright,
- Discount, cash, card, net, mail, chat, standby,
- D.J., V.J., L.P., C.D., bye-bye!
- Oops, yeah...
- Suntem anglofoni, americanofoni,
- Suntem bu-bu, bu-bu, bu-bufoni.
- - Dan Teodorescu, "Americanofonia"
- (Were English-speakers, American-speakers,
- Were foo-foo foo-foo foo-fools.)
In late 2010, they released the single "Cele două cuvinte" (The two words). The video featured more than two dozen male Romanian celebrities (actors, singers, TV personalities, athletes, filmmakers) explaining mens inability to say "I LOVE YOU" and became a YouTube hit, receiving more than 1,500,000 views in less than 2 months.
The song of today is named Te Vad In Toate Femeile (I See You In All The Other Women) and it is a wonderful ballade about the way a man passes through the ending of the relationship with the one he loves.
The lyrics talk about how he is trying to have a normal life, how he has no problem with that - that he is just existing now, no longer living. He drinks his coffee as usual, he has walks in the evening and maybe sometimes he thinks of her... The chorus is beautiful and basically states that he is looking for her in all the women he is meeting or the ones that he sometimes wants physically. He still sees her in all the women he has the impression that he loves... The rests of the song tells his daily struggle of shutting her out of his mind but not succeeding that. It is sad when we also find out that he sometimes meets her friends, that in the meanwhile they become his friends as well and they do tell him that sometimes she asks about him as well...
For me this song is also the story about 2 very stubborn people... We know that he made the mistake, from how the lyrics are written but we know not what separated them. The lack of communication though is a problem!
Yours truly,
The LadyBug who hopes you liked this song ;)
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